Jason Mraz - The Woman I Love

Описание к видео Jason Mraz - The Woman I Love

Since so many have viewed this video, I thought I'd tell you some things about this. Jason Mraz, before he was the international superstar he is now, had performed at an industry event called Sunset Sessions in San Diego. After that (but not necessarily because of that) he shot to superstardom and he's been all over the world performing to sold out arenas. As a thank you to Sunset Sessions, and since he still lives locally around San Diego, he performed at Sunset Sessions 2012 at the Rancho Bernardo Inn...I think this was on February 18. The event is for the music industry- radio station program directors & music supervisors from all over the country come in for the event. I not only write my own music blog as sddialedin.com, but I work for SoundDiego.com, NBC's local music site in San Diego, which is why I was there. This was in a courtyard in the resort and was packed with people so it would've been inappropriate to move closer so I had to just zoom in and work around the people between me and the stage. It's also worth noting that everyone was served Chipotle burritos with guacamole made from Jason's avocado grove as Chipotle locally sources a percentage of all of their ingredients. Anyway, this was outside with about 200 people in attendance and some loud and curious crows flying overhead, too. I hope this answers everyone's questions and comments and thanks for watching. During this performance he also played "I Won't Give Up" and "You Did It" which you can also see on my channel. I invite you to poke around my channel, you might find other stuff you like.


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